Elements to be used in hospital interior designing
May 16, 2023
How to save money during Hospital Renovation
May 17, 2023Even in a noble and decent enterprise like healthcare. The financial viability and the future profitability of the project are of supreme importance. If you are a healthcare specialist to establish your hospital, you need to know if your dream venture is practically feasible even before you lay a single brick on the site. This a reason why Financial Feasibility Report is Crucial
If you are wondering, how is it possible to predict success or failure even before you start, read on. You can do this by taking expert help to curate a feasibility study for your hospital.
A feasibility study is a business tool that can predict. If a particular business will be practical and profitable in the long run. Thus, a feasibility study will give a neutral and accurate view of your venture’s chances of success. And will help you decide if it is worth investing time, effort, and money in your project.
Most businesses use feasibility studies as predictive and analytical tools before investment. However, many entrepreneurs make mistakes in this endeavor.
There are four common mistakes that you should avoid in a hospital feasibility project
1. Using faulty market data
- The feasibility study requires analysis of a wide assortment of data including external factors like market trends and competitor insights as well as internal factors like budget, core strengths, etc.
- The feasibility study is a business tool and it works only if the data that is collated is precise and recent. Many businesses make the mistake of making old and outdated data the foundation of their study, this can lead to mistaken results.
- You must ensure that the data used is highly accurate and is not out of date to get the right guidance from your feasibility report.

2. Using in-house experts to conduct the feasibility study
- A feasibility study should be unprejudiced and unbiased for it to be of any help to you in making your decision of whether to invest or not.
- If you conduct the feasibility test using your team, this will be a tainted picture of your future because your team will be biased prejudiced, and emotionally invested in your project.
- Get an impartial view of the practicality of your project by engaging an independent external agency to conduct this exercise logically and rationally.

3. Making shallow assessments
- Some entrepreneurs do not study all the parameters that can cumulatively determine the success or the failure of their ventures. They do not conduct a deep-rooted analysis of every core factor and determinant.
- This skin-deep evaluation may provide an inaccurate diagnosis of the future of your investment and make your decision flawed. A deep assessment of the tiny details and the nitty-gritty of the processes in a phased and timebound manner should be carried out to get the right picture of the potential opportunities, threats, transitions, risks, and likely challenges.

4. Engaging third-party consultants from other fields
Feasibility studies are conducted in every sphere of business. However, since the Healthcare sphere is more complex and involves a complicated maze of complicated, interdependent processes, specialists from other fields may not have the expertise to deal with the thousands of details. This will lessen the accuracy of the feasibility report.
To summarize, a healthcare enterprise is more complicated to establish, operate and sustain than any other business because it directly has an impact on the well-being and the lives of the customers. Moreover, investing in a hospital involves mammoth costs and myriad statutory regulations. Hence, before you invest in your dream venture, it makes sense to carry out a reality check on whether your initiative will be profitable and viable in the long run. this can be done with the help of a feasibility study.
You should engage the services of experienced professionals with specialized knowledge of the changing paradigms of the Healthcare realm to conduct a precise and perfectly unbiased feasibility study. If you need any help in this endeavor, be sure to contact Hospertz, a leading healthcare consultancy firm in India, which has more than two decades of experience.