Healthcare units more Covid-adaptive
November 3, 2021
Why mental health is important of employee?
November 17, 2021If you pride yourself on being an employee-centric, team-driven company, then you must have surely been aware of the impact of wellness of each member of your staff on productivity, efficiency, over-all atmosphere and finally on success. If no, then it is time to seriously consider the paramount significance of this factor and take steps to maintain, sustain and improve the health of your team…because they are members of your extended family and because you care for them.
Investing in preventive health is one such strategy that can help you nurture the wellness of your employees. What exactly is preventive health plan … To put it simply preventive health plans are annual screenings that enable early detection of diseases and disorders before they become full-blown health crises. Preventive packages can help your employees detect any potential health risks and proactively manage them with medication and lifestyle changes.

Some components of preventive healthcare plans
- Predictive Blood tests
- Stress test and ECG
- Mental health evaluation
- General well-being check-ups
- Some strategies that can help you gain a leverage in the social media realm.
Depending upon your need, you can decide on whether you want to incorporate some or all of these in your occupational healthcare strategy.

Benefits of Preventive Healthcare strategies for corporates
- Cost saving :
- You will agree that health is the best investment. If you invest a little in preventive healthcare today, you will be able to save a lot by preventing the consequences of illness in your team like absenteeism, loss in productivity, dis-satisfaction, negative atmosphere etc.
- Improved work environment :
- The wellness of your workplace environment is directly affected by your staff’s mental, physical and emotional wellness. If you invest in preventive healthcare packages for your employees, they feel a sense of belonging and trust in your company and reciprocate it with loyalty and dedication. This in turn enhances the positivity of the work environment and boosts morale leading to more smiles all around.
- Improved efficiency :
- A fit mind and a fit body can boost productivity and get the best from your employees.
- If you invest in preventive health strategies, your team can perform to the best of their potential as health issues are detected before the symptoms become evident and are managed with timely interventions.
- You will also be able to minimize loss of hours due to absenteeism and additional cost, effort and time spent for replacement of a skilled and valued employee.

Benefits of Preventive Healthcare strategies for employees
- Improve access to wellness
- Determine current health status
- Predict potentials health risks
- Helps employees initiate preventive measures like medication and therapy regime changes proactively
- Aid employees make adaptations to lifestyle with yoga, exercise regimen, nutrition planning and meditation
- Safeguard employee from emotional risks and financial distress of falling ill

If you have your own Occupational Healthcare set-up, it will be easy for you to initiate a preventive health protocol in your organization. If an in-house OHC facility is not available, you can associate yourself with reputed and reliable hospitals or laboratories to conduct annual or bi-annual check-ups for your staff.
Oshmedics Healthcare has the expertise and experience to curate corporate wellness and preventive health packages that are tailormade to your needs.
Dr. Vishal Jadhav
+91 9820833149 / 9867712705