“Innovative Hospital Interior Design: Crafting Healing Spaces”
August 16, 2022
3 things to look for selecting a hospital consultancy firm
August 22, 2022Fires when out of control can be devastating and cause mammoth losses to property and lives. Fires can occur anywhere and at any time due to varied reasons ranging from human error to electrical malfunctioning. Fires can be destructive in commercial complexes as well as residential societies. However, they can be extremely vicious when they occur in hospitals. This is because hospitals house helpless patients who may be immobile and incapacitated and they will be unable to escape the flames. Hence, hospital fires must be prevented at all costs…this is because the best way to deal with fire is to prevent it.

The best way to prevent hospital fires is by having a fire safety protocol in place and implementing it every day without any deviation.
Hospitals are governed by the stringent guidelines of the NABH National Accreditation Board for hospitals and healthcare providers.
NABH is committed to ensuring quality & safety of hospitals and healthcare organizations. The NABH determines several standards that have to be strictly adhered to by healthcare organizations. The Facility Management & Safety (FMS) Standard covers Fire & other hazards.

Some guidelines on fire safety issued by the NABH or the NBC {National building code} are
- The hospital management is aware of and familiar with all the fire safety laws and regulations.
- The organization has a proper fire safety protocol and a fire safety manual.
- There is a proper Fire exit plan, and it is displayed for each and in each patient Room
- Emergency illumination system has been installed and it gets activated in case of Fire if power gets cut off.
- There is provision for Fire detection systems across Hospital like smoke alarms and Fire sensors
- There are sufficient operational Firefighting systems on every floor namely sprinklers, extinguishers, hydrants etc.
- You have planned and executed training your team on how to report fires, try to extinguish them, how to protect your patients from fire, how to evacuate patients from fire, how to use a fire extinguisher etc.
- There is a designated place for assembly in case of a fire.
- Mock fire drills are conducted and there is a record of these.
- There is fire exit signage on each floor.

It is mandatory for all hospitals to obtain No Objection Certificate from the concerned Fire Department before the building can be occupied. The NOC is to be renewed every year.
In many states, it is compulsory to possess a Fire – License or No-Objection Certificate to obtain a building plan approval from the Urban Development Authority.
The Part 4 (Fire and Life Safety) of NBC {National Building Code}, which contains the fire safety norms and provisions on fire prevention specifies the standards for construction, plumbing, electrical installations including wiring, lighting, ventilation, heating and air conditioning, safety sanitation, active and passive fire protection systems, etc.
It mentions factors like
- The restrictions of buildings in each fire zone
- The limitations of height
- The materials that can be used in construction
- The requirements necessary to minimise danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes, or panic before the building can be evacuated.
Why is fire safety licensing necessary for hospitals?
- Tragedy can be prevented if there is a validated fire safety protocol in place.
- Licensing has to be renewed each year. This ensures that the fire safety protocol is adhered to persistently.
- Ensures the safety of patients and staff.
- Licensing ensures that the gear is regularly checked, monitored, repaired, and replaced. This ensures that all your fire safety equipment is battle ready.
- Ensures that the risk of damage to life and property is reduced.
- Prevents fines and punishments and legal hassles.
- Enhances the patients’ trust in your healthcare institute.
Advantages of fire safety licensing
1. Protects and ensures safety
Licensing validates that all the fire safety measures are in place. This can assure protection of staff, patients, doctors, and family members from fire, whatever the cause of it
2. Legal benefit
Fires can be caused due to an array of mistakes …from electrical malfunctioning to human error. If your hospital has a fire safety license in place, it can provide you with a legal cover.

To summarize, fire safety licensing is definitely as must for hospitals to protect property and priceless lives from the dangers of fire.
Blog has been written by Dr. Vishal Jadhav, a veteran in the field of hospital consultancy with a rich experience of more than 20 years and founder of the Healthcare Consultancy. Firm, Hospertz.
Dr. Vishal Jadhav, Director
+91 9867712705/ 9820833149